MAY 24, 2019
MOTE welcomes your submission of proposals which contribute to the conversation about the intersectionalities of sex, gender, race, disability, size, age, privilege, relationship structure/style, and erotic orientation.
Illustrative topics can include: history and philosophy of polyamory or swinging culture, separating BDSM practice from abuse, co-morbidity factors, issues of transference/counter-transference, impact of BDSM practices on clients with trauma history, edge play dynamics, concepts of consent, theoretical constructs, literature reviews, early research findings, therapy with polyamorous family dynamics, and therapy around open relationships, asexuality, sex work, intersections between sexualities and genders, marginalized identities intersecting with sexualities, new monogamies, desire and sexual interest discrepancies in relationships.
"Intersectionalities and Sexuality/Relationship Diversity"
Proposal FAQ's
"Intersectionalities and Sexuality/Relationship Diversity."
About our theme
2019 Theme: Intersectionalities and Sexuality/Relationship Diversity.
MOTE welcomes your submission of proposals which contribute to the conversation about the intersection-alities of sex, gender, race, disability, size, age, privilege, relationship structure/style, and erotic orientation.
Suggested topics:
Illustrative topics might include:
literature reviews,
research presentation,
early research findings,
history and philosophy of polyamory or swinging culture,
separating BDSM practice from abuse,
co-morbidity factors,
issues of transference/counter-transference,
impact of BDSM practices on clients with trauma history,
edge play dynamics,
concepts of consent,
theoretical constructs,
therapy with polyamorous family dynamics,
and therapy around open relationships, asexuality, sex work, intersections between sexualities and genders, marginalized identities intersecting with sexualities, new monogamies, desire and sexual interest discrepancies in relationships.
Proposal tips:
We strongly encourage you to write out responses in a word processing document and then copy and paste your answers into the form, just in case your browser times out.
All workshop sessions are 70-minutes in length.
What do I need to submit?
We strongly encourage you take the time in advance to gather the information below. The submission process asks for a lot of information, and may take some time to complete.
Be prepared to submit:
Name, title of presentation, contact information
300 word summary of presentation
3 learning objectives for presentation (except for poster presentations)
List of references or the literature basis for presentation
Describe how your presentation presents a cutting edge approach or an important topic that is rarely discussed.
Presentation Content Level
Beginner level suggests attendees have little or no knowledge of the topic, such as BDSM/poly/etc.
Intermediate level suggests some exposure to the issues being addressed, or have worked with at least one client.
Advanced level assumes attendees are proficient with these populations and have worked with 5 or more clients or have conducted research or field work with these populations.
Do presenters get a discount?
Presenters (accepted proposals) are able to register for the conference at a reduced registration price of $60.
There will be a special code for registration sent to the presenters after notification of acceptance.